Which threatened species are found near me?
Threatened species in Australia are in trouble. Learn about the animals and plants closest to you and how to help them.
We know that good policy and funding are crucial to saving species. This will only happen if elected representatives are persauded to act. Contacting them is a way to achieve this.
Email your MPThe representative for Hume is Hon Angus Taylor MP.
Use AEC to learn about who the candidates are in the upcoming 2022 federal election.
Environmental NGOs organise effective campaigns, events, and programs to save species and protect nature.
There are many other environmental organisations that work across Australia. Explore the Places You Love Alliance website to find more organisations.
The actions and decisions of representatives determine our efforts to save threatened species.
TheyVoteForYou says: Hon Angus Taylor MP has voted consistently against federal government action on animal & plant extinctions.
Use their TheyVoteForYou profile to explore how they have voted on other policies.
Explore how your views compare to the positions of representatives on VoteCompass.
TheyVoteForYou is a site dedicated to making parliamentary voting information accessible, understandable, and easy to use so that you can hold your elected representatives to account.
Threatened species populations in New South Wales are down to only 38% of what they were in 1985.
That means we've lost 62% of our populations in New South Wales.
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This graph represents the relative change in average population over time.
This graph shows the average change in populations compared to 2017. It shows a relative change and not population numbers themselves. At the reference year, the index gets an index score of one. A score of 1.2 would mean a 20% increase on average compared to the reference year, while a score of 0.8 would mean a 20% decrease on average compared to the reference year. This graph was created using the Threatened Species Index (TSX). Use the TSX interactive data visualiser to mix and match data. Read about how good the index is here.
You are in federal electorate Hume Search again
Threatened species in Australia are in trouble. Learn about the animals and plants closest to you and how to help them.